Merry meet, Travelers!

Welcome to Trinitarian Wicca! If you are here, it means you have taken a very large step outside of patriarchal society in search of a higher power you have always felt but never got the opportunity to get in touch with. Trinitarian Wicca embraces the long lost Goddess diminished throughout the years to metaphorical words in passages when statues were once built in her honor!
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Trinitarian Wicca is one of the many emerging Christopagan paths resulting from an amalgamation of the Craft with Goddess-inclusive hermetic and pre-Nicene Christianity. It is based on the merger of two existing traditions, Alexandrian and Dianic Wicca. This tradition is Wicca’s practice acknowledging the Blessed Trinity and the Trinitarian pantheon as the practitioner’s choice of deities, recognizing the male God, the female Goddess, and the Solar Lord Jesus. Trinitarian Wicca doesn’t possess an external salvatory aspect in the sense that the Church requires. In the previous edition, the Biblical Jesus, the Savior, was intended as a historical title. Nevertheless, Trinitarian Wicca’s goal is to awaken the seeker to the forgotten Mysteries and achieve self-salvation through attaining messianic consciousness.
Trinitarian Wicca is esoteric, a term signifying specific spiritual ideas, literature, or doctrine intended for a select group of individuals possessing the capacity for abstract thought. This description also includes information followed by an inner group of disciples or initiates within an organization. It refers to those who study hidden wisdom and practices beyond the understanding of the average religious person. Trinitarian Wicca requires non-mainstream studies coupled with traditional Wiccan methods resulting in a greater understanding and communion with the Blessed Trinity.
Trinitarian Wiccans venerate the Social Trinity, which perceives the Trinity as three equal personalities with individual distinguishing characteristics. Trinitarian Wiccans refer to the Social Trinity as the Blessed Trinity to differentiate from the Church’s perspective. Each of the Deities can unite in essence without losing any aspect of their identities, whereas they unite as one identity with the Holy Trinity. Each member of the Blessed Trinity works and functions in a compartmentalized essence, allowing humanity to comprehend the Divine without cognitive dissonance.
Christian Wicca: the Trinitarian Tradition celebrated its 20th anniversary in July 2023. The journey has been incredible, uniting people with similar beliefs and promoting the growth of the Christopagan community. When the book was first released, the title confused and overshadowed the tradition’s name, “Trinitarian Wicca.” The title had been specifically chosen to attract a particular group who wanted to explore Wicca and a Goddess-oriented Trinity outside of Church doctrine. Combining Jesus, the Goddess, and the Craft was taboo then. However, over the years, these factors have merged in various ways, signaling a shift in the conversation. As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Christian Wicca: The Trinitarian Tradition, I wish to honor the practitioners who helped to bring this tradition to life and the countless individuals who have found solace, inspiration, and spiritual growth within its embrace. May Trinitarian Wicca continue to thrive!
Blessed Be!
Nancy Chandler
“Merry We Meet and Merry We Part: As the Trinity Dwells within Our Heart” ~ “As above, so below. As within, so without. As the Universe, so the Soul” ~ Bide the Wiccan Law ye must, In perfect love and perfect trust. Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: A’ ye harm none, do what ye will. What ye send forth comes back to thee So ever mind the law of three. Follow this with mind and heart, Merry ye meet, and merry ye part.” Blessed Be