Elohian Goddess

The Soul of the Sacred Feminine
Trinitarian Wicca is the correct name of the tradition often generalized into a practice called Christian Wicca. Trinitarian Wicca is a tradition based on American Wicca, boasting no direct lineage. Trinitarian Wiccans work exclusively with the Goddess-inclusive Christian Pantheon. This tradition is not eclectic nor is it ChristoPagan because our devotion lies exclusively with the Christian pantheon; however we are considered MesoPagan. Trinitarian Wiccans practitioners celebrate the 8 Sabbats, the 13 Esbats, and upholding the Wiccan Rede.
The Moon is the alchemical planetary symbol of our Mother: the Lady Divine. Esbats may be celebrated at any day of the month. During each lunation, there are quarters and days with correspondences that improve your conditions for the optimum magickal outcome. The moon is a feminine symbol and that is why we associate the moon with the Goddess. The moon regulates the ocean tides and people even planted their crops by the phases of the moon. There are 28 Mansion of the Moon,13 moons during a 12 month year, and 4 moon phases during each lunar month. The 13th Moon is known as the Blue Moon and occurs when two full moons appear during one calendar month, most commonly the month of November. The phases of the moon are most common separated into three main phases: Waxing, Full and Waning, corresponding to the three aspects of the Goddess: the Maiden, the Mother and the Crone. The New or Dark Moon is celebrated differently depending on the practitioner. Some believe this is a time for magickal rest. Others believe this is the time to honor the Dark Goddess.